February 07, 2007
I swear I have been knitting!
I have been knitting and knitting and knitting, lots! I think I am finally over having been a yarn store owner! I have waited to take pictures of some of the current knitting until it is on its tiny future owners' heads. I promise, it will be cuter that way.
Today I am in San Francisco, and it is AMAZING. I would say that even if I hadn't been to Artfibers, which rocked unbelievably. Sadly, I have only seen non-yarn humans since being there, and haven't been able to convey the utter joy. But you all know! It was SO GREAT. They have a "yarn-tasting lounge" where you can knit up swatches of anything you like. *sigh*
Pictures of yarn TK.
Posted by Rose at 10:20 PM | Comments (1)