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November 13, 2006
This house is full of, full of, full of fight!
[x-posted from LJ, for maximal coverage -- comment wherever you like]
Well, I've had some unsettling news today. I had a bad pap smear a couple of months ago, and then followed that up with a colposcopy last week, which is a biopsy procedure. I've got high-grade cervical dysplasia, and will be having an in-office surgical procedure (LEEP) the first week of January.
I can see that my future includes becoming a vocal advocate of HPV vaccination for young'uns. If we're willing to vaccinate kids to keep them from getting fucking CHICKEN POX, why aren't we vaccinating them to keep them from getting cervical cancer, or having scary surgical procedures? Because it involves sex.
Gah, sometimes I hate my country. But I am going to change the world, yes I am, oh yes.
(I should make clear that I feel *really lucky* right now. I have clever, kind doctors involved in my care, who are totally cool with me being a pervert (we discussed what my sex dos and don'ts for January include), and I have really decent insurance, and this "dysplasia" is ten years off from being cancer. It's serious, but it's going to be okay.)
Posted by Rose at November 13, 2006 07:20 PM
But, yes, it's a good thing they caught it, and it's a good thing your doctors are cool.
But still--that sucks!
Posted by: I. at November 13, 2006 11:04 PM