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September 27, 2006

Kiss me on my salty lips

We just had an utterly amazing anniversary meal at Applewood, on 11th Street in Park Slope.

Amuse-bouche -- uni and heirloom tomato soup

Diver scallop with bacon, red cabbage, and pea-shoot pesto -- paired with a Pinot Gris

Halibut with garlic “au jus”, bone marrow, and royal trumpet mushrooms -- paired with an Alsatian Riesling

Duck-fat poached lamb tenderloin with polenta and roasted daikon and turnips -- paired with a Rioja

Amuse-bouche -- mint ice cream on a brownie

Cheese course, with four cheeses I can't remember, but which were all fabulous, and went perfectly with the Montepulciano they were paired with.

Poached pear with almond financier and crème fraiche -- paired with a Muscat

I really don't have anything to add. I just loved the meal so much that I wanted to write it down. Extra points for our adorable waiter, who had splendid ink and piercings, and who I hope got to have some of the lamb after hours (he told us, after we raved about it, "Yeah, we're all totally jealous about that, I won't lie").

Posted by Rose at September 27, 2006 10:17 PM


Yum, O YUM...(she said as she delicately wipes the drool off her keyboard..heh) Happy Anniversary, you two! and btw, I love the word polyamorous. I love even more that someone makes it work in the world. I'd given up.

Posted by: caroline at September 27, 2006 11:06 PM

I am sooooo jealous. (Happy anniversary!)

Posted by: Cindy at September 27, 2006 11:07 PM

That pretty much sounds like the most amazing meal ever. EVER. I'm with your inked waiter, as in YUM!

Happy anniversary, and I'm so pleased to hear about your wallet. *big hugs*

Posted by: Lorinne at September 27, 2006 11:33 PM

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