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August 28, 2006
Give me mine back and then go there, for all I care
Back to acupuncture. It's a relief, it's good stuff, it's helping a lot. But it's hard, too. I don't pretend to understand how it works, but the concept of freeing things up, letting things move around that have been blocked, it's a pretty powerful concept. In practice, it's sometimes a little overwhelming, particularly when emotional stuff is what's freed up.
A few folks have asked about my being down; I can't really talk about it. I'm so stuck, and I'm afraid that anything I do to change the situation I'm in will only make things worse. My acupuncturist asked me how much longer I'm going to put up with this, and I really didn't know what to tell her. I can't tell the difference between being patient and being a fucking idiot.
Have definitely been getting more exercise, and that's been terrific. Still not running, so the four-miler on Sept. 9th is out, but like I said, there are a lot of races in the fall, and I'm determined to make it to at least one starting line (um, and finish line, too).
Francis and some NPL friends and I did the Haystack hunt last weekend, and it was wonderful. We walked from the tip of the city to 23rd Street, with only a couple of short train rides; I was happy to see that my stamina could sustain nine hours of walking. The puzzles were very well set, and incredibly enjoyable. My team came in second, by only four points, and we'd apparently been swapping the lead all afternoon with the team that won.
I've got a fair amount of freelance work lined up, so that's going pretty well. We're nearly done with the close of the next issue of $pread, too, and I'm super proud of it; it's even better than the last issue.
Tomorrow'll be a year since Katrina. And things are still all fucked up, with no end in sight. I'm too horrified to talk about it; Teresa Nielsen Hayden has done a fine job over at Making Light of summing up what needs to be said in her entry "Le travestie exécutif".
Posted by Rose at August 28, 2006 07:09 PM
I'm glad to hear that your acupuncturist is back, and that you're getting out and about.
"I can't tell the difference between being patient and being a fucking idiot."
Yeah, that's how I tend to feel, too, until one day I realize, "Okay, now I'm really being a fucking idiot. Quit it." I've learned to be pretty patient with my being a fucking idiot, after all these years; maybe that's not all good. But it feels so educational . . .
Sorry, I probably shouldn't be writing comments at this hour.
Posted by: I. at August 30, 2006 01:36 AM