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June 19, 2006
Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down
I have read more pages in the last five days than any human copy editor should ever be expected to read. It's partly my fault, for procrastinating on a couple of Random House projects I'd had for three weeks, and partly the fault of circumstance. But I read, and then reread, two whole young adult novels, as well as reading every single page in Spread, and most of the issue of Cosmo. By "read" I mean "copyedited and marked up."
And things are in flux on the personal front, and I had a bad head week, and I skipped a friend's birthday party in Boston, and I slept and worked all weekend and didn't really get a proper two days off, and now I'm a big pile of quivering misery.
A bit of brainstorming has led to the possible answer: Frozen Mudslides and emotional/self-indulgent media consumption. With some comfort food thrown in there, too.
Fuss fuss fuss.
Posted by Rose at June 19, 2006 04:47 PM
i just finished a homemade frappaccino and life is looking a bit less bleak. hope the mudslide produces a similar outlook.
Posted by: gotcha at June 19, 2006 07:52 PM