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June 14, 2006
In a rut
Thought I'd say hi to anyone who's still coming around these parts -- but I am in a terrible rut! I really haven't been knitting much at all, and when I do, it's a bit halfhearted. I finished up a scarf for Francis, and I've started a tank top (the Chickami) for myself, but I'm just not into it.
I've been sewing lots, though, doing t-shirt surgery and making skirts and learning how to use a serger. Just seems like I'm not so yarn-y lately.
Posted by Rose at June 14, 2006 03:41 PM
i hear ya. it's really hard to pull out the wool when it's 90+ and muggy and the skeeters already made you itchy. i've got a sock that will be done, if i continue at this rate, oh, about 2060.
nice to hear from you, woman! some pix o' that surgery would be fun, hint hint.
Posted by: gotcha at June 14, 2006 08:23 PM
I know the feeling, but you'll get back in the swing soon! Vacations FROM knitting are necessary sometimes, and maybe you just need a new yummy type of yarn or cool pattern to inspire you.
Posted by: lisa at June 15, 2006 01:33 PM
You know, the worst thing you can do is force yourself to knit or blog or anything else you enjoy doing, just out of obligation. Take a break from it guilt free and you'll love it even more when your heart is back in it.
Posted by: Marnie at June 15, 2006 05:59 PM
As everybody else said, no sweat, though I do enjoy your posts, however infrequently you post them.
But about this learning to use a serger--how exactly are you doing that? Because I've got one that I've never taken the time to figure out how to use. I'm kind of scared of it. Are you just plunging in, or do you have a book, or is somebody helping you?
Posted by: I. at June 20, 2006 08:44 PM