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February 12, 2006

Man Embroiders! Let's Call It Painting and Give Him a Solo Show!

Ooh, it makes me want to scream. This guy's work is gorgeous, and I definitely want to see it, but it's not painting, it's fiber art, or embroidery. It's stitching on fabric. You don't have to call it "painting" to make it art!

Posted by Rose at February 12, 2006 11:51 PM


To add to our shared frustration with calling his work "painting," I'd like to add that the article is titled "Costume Shop Boy Makes Good," as though there is something "not good" about working in a Broadway costume shop. Pfeh.

*shakes herself* Nevertheless.

Me-Want-See-Show-Too-Please! Shiny things! *grin*

Posted by: Lorinne at February 17, 2006 03:41 PM

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