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January 09, 2006
I guess my feet know where they want me to go
Sigh. I miss running. I miss being in Prospect Park several times a week. I miss feeling like my body belongs to me.
Update: Migraines suck, and brains are weird. Topamax didn't work; Pamelor doesn't seem to be working; Botox injections are probably next on the list. A second opinion is also in the running for "next on the list," but I don't have a new neuro in mind for that. I'm going to have an EMG in the next couple of weeks to see if we can document what I've been saying for the last several months: The left side of my body feels numb and tingly and intermittently painful.
I can't hardly drink liquor at all anymore, and that's a pain, because I don't know when I've ever felt more like I've needed a drink! I guess it's just as well that I have a huge disincentive to drowning my sorrows in booze, but lordy, I miss my bourbon (and my wine, and my beer).
I'm trying to get my act together enough that I'll start going to the gym near my house before work some days. It's a drag, since I really don't enjoy the treadmill, but I'm working so many hours a week that I just can't make it to the park with any regularity. (It's generally always too dark or too cold when I have time to go.) Perhaps if I can get back into a routine of regular exercise, I'll feel more "in my body" than I do now, even if the physical complaint doesn't improve. I'm told it's okay for me to exercise, but it's hard to feel excited about doing so when my body doesn't feel good.
Posted by Rose at January 9, 2006 03:35 PM
Chin up, gal. You're a strong person with a strong identity and I admire the individuality and spirit with which you tackled the business and your running.
I'm not much of a blog reader or poster, but occasionally drop in on fellow NPLers to keep up to date (especially since I missed Con last year). I've always enjoyed your postings and hope you're up to posting more again in the near future.
Posted by: minipearl at January 28, 2006 10:44 PM
Rose, it's gotta get better. Yikes, kiddo, hang in there.
Posted by: vj at February 1, 2006 07:15 PM