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January 09, 2006

New knitting in the new year

It's taken a while to get into the full swing of knitting for recreation, but I'm making progress. I've finished the Mountain Mohair hat I started after Rhinebeck, and I've started on the mittens that go along with it. They're knit on size 2 needles, even though it's a worsted-weight yarn -- weird! I know the idea is to make a dense fabric, and that's great, but the knitting is a little hard on my hands.

One particular thing I've got to get better about is having travel knitting ready to go. I had gotten used to doing most of my knitting in a fixed location, and so it didn't really matter if projects were portable. What I'm finding now is that I most often want to knit on the subway, so it makes a big difference to my eventual output if I have travel projects available. My hat was knitted relatively quickly, and just recently I knocked out a baby hat in two days (though it still needs its details added on -- it's the Little Devil Hat from Kittyville.

I've finally started reading knitting blogs and knitting magazines again, and the urge to start new projects is growing strong. I love seeing what everyone else is up to! I even have some spinning projects in mind (for eventual knitting).

Posted by Rose at January 9, 2006 02:58 PM


Hi, Rose! I just checked you out, and here you are again. Welcome back to knitting and knit blogging.

Posted by: Amber at January 9, 2006 03:49 PM

hi, rose! i've got to get all my christmas knitting pictures up somewhere... can we see pics of your stuff too? glad to hear you're returning to the blogworld; you've been missed! hugs from KC...

Posted by: mamagotcha at January 10, 2006 12:46 AM

Hi! Welcome back to blogging. Isn't it exciting to fell the pull of a project again?!?

Happy Knitting!

Posted by: Beth at January 11, 2006 09:37 PM

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