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June 20, 2005

My heart going boom boom boom

Wow, what a great run this morning! A great run yesterday morning, too! Each time I just went once around Prospect Park, but the weather has been terrific, and I'm feeling fabulous.

This morning I went out thinking I'd run five miles. This is unprecedented. Because of this, I tried to keep in mind that I should save some energy. Things didn't quite work out the way I planned, but I can't say that I'm particularly upset about it.

Today I worked a little on form, and it was incredibly fun. I kept my arms low and I ran tall and loose and easy, and it really made a difference. I'd see someone pushing a stroller towards me, and I'd give the baby a grin, I felt so good. Also, I've learned to love hills, both up and down—I love feeling my legs working hard when I go up them, and I love getting to cruise a little as I go down. When I speed up coming down a hill, I think to myself, "This is what it would be like to be fast!"

I had to force myself to walk a little here and there, because I knew I wanted to go long today, and I wanted to keep some run in my legs. I was a little sad each time I did it, but I felt mature and responsible. Even so, as I came around towards the Oriental Pavillion, and then towards the Peristyle (I was running clockwise this morning) my legs were feeling somewhat tired. That seemed odd, but I didn't pay it a lot of attention. Then I came in to Park Circle at the lower end of the park, and I checked my time: 37:10! That was with a ton of walking, when really I'd wanted to run straight through! Wow! Yay!

I thought about it for just a moment, and then I made a truly responsible decision: I went home. I'll run long tomorrow, and I'll try to do a better job pacing myself. I'm excited about my fast run, though. Eleven minute miles, including walking breaks! Zoom!

Posted by Rose at June 20, 2005 07:50 PM


Good run days make you feel like you can fly.

Posted by: Riona at June 21, 2005 03:52 PM

Good runs seperate you from what your running from all along! Stress.

Posted by: Anonymous at December 18, 2005 03:28 PM

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