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April 26, 2005

First we take Manhattan

All-around clever guy Randy Cohen has written up a lovely idea in the NY Times Book Review: he proposes to create "a literary map of Manhattan -- not of its authors' haunts but those of their characters, a map of the literary stars' homes."

It's a kind of Wikipedia-like effort he envisions. Anyone can email him at bookmap@nytimes.com and then he'll add in the information.

It's brilliant, and I hope scads of people offer up their literary knowledge, and I hope that not just because he's my pal; I hope that because I'm eager to see the ultra-cool map he gets to commission!

Posted by Rose at April 26, 2005 12:04 AM


I enjoy your site Rose; I lived in NY City for 14 months (Til they found me working without a permit and sent me home :-( ) and your descriptions of Central Park and stuff fill me with a yearning to return; maybe one day :-) Keep scribbling :-) Alan

Posted by: Alan at May 16, 2005 03:27 AM