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December 29, 2004

Yikes, where did all that time go?

I blinked and now it's nearly 2005.

There was a Christmas knitting disaster: I spun a bunch of yarn to make Francis a vest, but it turns out I have an inflated notion of my ability to make yarn that's all the same weight. Sigh. The first skein was perfect. The second and third skeins -- much heavier yarn. Not attractive. This has to all be unravelled, and I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. The yarn isn't a waste, but it can't all be used in the same project.

I've got both sleeves knit for the Ribby Cardigan, designed by Bonne Marie -- she's right -- the sleeves for this look ridiculously tiny! I'm also about six inches into the back piece. I'm taking her word for it and knitting this in five pieces (two sleeves, two fronts, and a back) and planning to sew it up later. So far the advantage has been that the pieces are easier to manage, knit flat. I'm not convinced that I'll do this in future, but so far it doesn't suck.

I've been traipsing around Williamsburg in service of a slightly s33krit project. Here are a few snapshots I've taken while walking around:

crop all boro 2.jpg


crop chas.jpg

I've also made wallpapers out of several shots I took of fake brick or wood aluminum siding. And I learned, courtesy of some graffiti, that "SAMMY AND BABY HAVE A LOVE STORY" -- I'm dying to hear more. Maybe this could be a short story told in installments, on metal security gates, all around Williamsburg? If someone can write a story in SMS, why not in graffiti?

Posted by Rose at December 29, 2004 02:54 PM


Love the photos.

Posted by: Heather at December 29, 2004 04:53 PM

My DD got a remaindered knitting software project that lets you change any photo into a knitting chart. You tell it how many colors you want the image reduced to... and it does it on it's own... and then it charts it. It's called instant stitch. Maybe online at half.com.... She bought it in the brick/mortar store of HalfPriceBooks. You could do an urban knit series, and imitate chain link fences, junk yard dogs, frayed awnings... all sorts of things. Happy New Year.

Posted by: Dana at January 3, 2005 12:57 AM

Greetings, just surfing the knitblogs on a snowy Saturday and came across yours (v. nice, BTW).

Had a thought about your homespun. You could try the trick for two skeins from different dyelots and knit them in one row stripes.

It either works or is a disaster, but it works often enough.

Hope you are avoiding the snow. (Unless you like snow.)


Posted by: Mary R at January 8, 2005 11:43 AM