December 16, 2009

The Heaneyland holiday shopping guide

Hello, readers. It's December again, which means one thing: shopping online so you don't have to go to stores and be forced to listen to holiday music against your will. And as it happens, I have a number of suggestions about gift ideas. (By a strange coincidence, many of them are things I've written.)

If you are flat broke: This Thursday's New York Times is fairly inexpensive, and will feature a puzzle cowritten by me and Patrick Blindauer.

For a lover/spouse: Obviously the appropriate gift here is Crasswords: Dirty Crosswords for Cunning Linguists (Amazon, B&N)

For a friend who is an insufferable know-it-all: Trivial Pursuit Crosswords is just what snobs like that enjoy, and I should know. (Amazon, B&N)

For a saucy librarian: Holy Tango of Literature will have them eating out of your hand, or possibly off a plate at a restaurant. (Amazon, B&N)

For someone who hates Christmas but has a birthday coming up next June: Quick & Easy Crosswords is just the thing. (Amazon, B&N)

For someone who would like to post an Amazon review that isn't crazy and/or discusses content instead of a now-corrected production error: I suggest Sip and Solve Word Searches or Scratch and Solve Trivia Games.

For people who don't own my Sit & Solve Crosswords #3 and would like to own it plus puzzles by someone else who may or may not be a well-known constructor using a pseudonym: These are very specific needs! I recommend Sunday in the Park With Crosswords. (Amazon, B&N)

For people who are tired of waiting for me to finish my fantasy novel and would like an actual book to read: My pal David Dickerson's memoir "House of Cards" is hilarious, and if you're not watching his Greeting Card Emergency videos, you're missing out. (Amazon, B&N)

If you like sudoku: Well, honestly, if you can wait a while, I'll have a book of hand-constructed sudoku variants out eventually. If you can't, I think The Sudoku Code is the best of my sudoku books thus far. (Amazon, B&N)

I'd recommend music too, but honestly, I can't guarantee anyone you know likes anything I like. Happy holidays, y'all.

Posted by Francis at 02:01 AM

What music would you recommend for those of us who do you like what you like and have been at a loss since you stopped telling us what to download?

Posted by: Robert Loy at December 16, 2009 08:51 AM

Oh, good, there's a post here! I was just coming by to say what a neat construction today's NYT crossword was--I had to go through two or three "oh, I get it!" moments before I really got it. Well worth doing!

Posted by: Lance at December 17, 2009 01:42 PM

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