December 19, 2008

Half Asleep (and something to wake you up)

I hope you've been enjoying doing things under your own volition so as to be fresh and ready to Do What I Tell You Do and listen to this song by School of Seven Bells, a band I'd never heard of until I downloaded some of their songs from some blogs, and which is a band formed by people who left two other bands I'd also never heard of. (Well, one of them, Secret Machines, was a band I'd heard of but never listened to, does that count?) The songs are dreamy and a little distorted in a My Bloody Valentine vein, but with sweet two-part harmonies driving the songs instead of crushing guitars. I haven't bought as many albums this year as I usually do, but of the ones I have, this is a standout.

School of Seven Bells, "Half Asleep" (click through for download link)

Buy School of Seven Bells' "Alpinisms".

Now that you've been lulled into a state of bliss with that little number, might I also suggest wandering over to Calendar Geeks to purchase yourself a 2008 calendar, featuring Lorinne as June's Knitting Geek and me as the offscreen voice of the cameraman saying "Gorgeous, just gorgeous! Now toss your head back and smile! You're a star, baby, a star!"

Posted by Francis at 03:31 PM

HA! Finally, I heard of a band before you did!

(They were on KEXP out here a few weeks ago after the Secret Machines came through town.)

Returning to my out-of-it-ness now.

Posted by: tanis at December 19, 2008 10:31 PM

Well, I've been listening to them for a couple months now, actually, but I just got around to posting one of their songs today. But there's probably some band you beat me to. Girlyman maybe?

Posted by: Francis at December 19, 2008 10:38 PM

Nice choice! This was one of my favorite songs this year.

Posted by: Nathan at December 20, 2008 01:54 PM

You are missed. Everything okay?

Posted by: bad dad at January 23, 2009 09:56 AM
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