This week, Do What I Tell You To Do features a song from an online impulse purchase I made a while back. I'm on the mailing list of Not Lame, a record label that loves power pop. A lot of their stuff is a little generic as that genre goes, but they also have some brilliant stuff that's otherwise impossible to find. They did an amazing box set of Posies rarities, and every once in a while they dig up some obscure out-of-print nugget and reissue it. That's what they did in 1997 with the self-titled 1979 album by The Toms -- which wasn't really a band, just a guy named Tom Marolda who played all the instruments -- putting it on CD for the first time with seven bonus tracks. Luckily, I didn't buy it in 1997. After the 1997 version went out of print and became a slight collector's item, they put it out again in 2005 with a whole extra disc of 12 songs recorded by Tom Marolda over the many years since the album came out. My favorite of the set is one of the songs from the bonus disc; it has a symphony-of-samples sound that reminds me of Soul Coughing, except with proper singing. It's called "Odd Equilibrium" (as the savvy reader will have determined from the blog post title above), posted for your enjoyment for one week as usual. Thank you for your attention to my whims.
Posted by Francis at 09:27 AM