Surely people will notice at some point that Sarah Palin is a completely unqualified candidate, right? Right?
Republican presidential candidate John McCain has defended his running mate's qualifications, citing her command of the Alaska National Guard and Alaska's proximity to Russia.Pressed about what insights into recent Russian actions she gained by living in Alaska, Palin told [interviewer Charlie] Gibson, ''They're our next-door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.''
"And I've got plenty of federal money that we can use to build a bridge across the Bering Strait so we can invade more easily!" she did not go on to say. More here.
Posted by Francis at 11:14 AMOf course they'll notice! Well, at least 48% of them or so. :-P
Posted by: Rubrick at September 12, 2008 01:32 PMShe obviously spent that week away from the media glare playing an intensive game of Risk. Look for a McCain-Palin administration to cement a military alliance with Australia so they can settle some old scores with Siam.
Posted by: Alex Gordon at September 12, 2008 03:49 PMWell, she's obviously proven that she's capable of monitoring Russia's continued existence as part of a landmass. Hell, she's really got all of Asia covered.
Posted by: Robert Hutchinson at September 12, 2008 11:33 PMShe's also qualified in the area of space exploration, since from Alaska, you can also see the Moon.
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