July 10, 2007

Not only did my toothpaste give me a stomachache, but now I feel responsible for another corrupt bureaucrat being shot in the back of the head

I can see why China might want to increase consumer confidence in its exports after poisonous Chinese cough medicine killed over 100 Panamanians (not to mention their responsibility for all these other deadly or semideadly products), but somehow I don't think having the former head of China's Food and Drug Administration executed is going to make Americans more enthused about supporting Chinese industry.

Posted by Francis at 03:55 PM

And good luck finding a willing successor!

Posted by: saphir at July 10, 2007 05:03 PM

Everybody says that we don't take white collar crime and government malfeasance seriously in America (see pardon, Libby). Here's a country that treats their corrupt government officials just as inhumanely as their everyday murderers and drug dealers, and NOW you complain?

Then again, killing Scooter would keep him quiet permanently. I'm surprised Cheney hasn't thought of this. Yet.

Posted by: bad dad at July 11, 2007 10:29 AM

Wow! this cartoon type YouTube video I have seen when I was in primary level and at the moment I am in university and watching that once more here.

Posted by: fruta planta diet pills at September 18, 2013 02:05 AM
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