April 25, 2007

More Tales from the Search Query Crypt

Clearly I should've saved up all of yesterday's search strings, since more memorable ones have been coming in steadily. Here's another:

a tatoo that is a poem about a little boy crying with the grim reaper

Since I like to help people, I did a little searching for this tattoo myself, but had no luck finding it, although I think I got a tiny bit gothier in the process.

Posted by Francis at 07:34 AM

I get a few wondering how to be chic because yes, that is something you can pick up from the internet. And hammer pants, a classic. And anatomy of orange, which, frankly, is a tad personal. Those are recurrent hits; the one-offs kinda scare me.

Posted by: Orange at April 25, 2007 09:17 AM

Every tattoo is a poem about a little boy crying with the grim reaper.

Hope that helps.

Posted by: Mother at April 25, 2007 01:58 PM
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