The backlog continues.
Day 57. Another contrasting combo. (The tie was a birthday gift from my friend Mary, received at the same party where I got the Oscar the Grouch tie.) I like the way the keys on the tie cause the design elements on the shirt to start looking like keyholes.
Day 58. Same shirt as day 41; this is the other tie I wear with it.
Day 59. This is one of those Central American shirts you buy at street fairs. Or I do, anyway.
Day 60. This shirt was another gift from Erin. It's a bit hard to see, but there are little occult-looking symbols inside the circles on the shirt, which I think go nicely with the background pattern of the tie.
Day 61. I loooove this shirt. Which is why I'm willing to put up with the fact that it needs to be hand-washed. The tie is a favorite as well. I remember this outfit elicited a compliment from Rose one year when I was wearing it at the crossword tournament, well before we started dating each other.
Man, I like the tie in 61.
Posted by: David. at February 20, 2007 09:54 PM