Someone asked me if I'd run out of outfits yet. Oh my goodness no.
Day 42. Old shirt, recent tie (bought on my last trip to the Garment District in Boston). From day 1 of the Mystery Hunt, taken in the bridge/hallway between buildings 12 and 24. Can I tell you how much I love it when two buildings are connected by a midair hallway? It's like the buildings like each other so much they have to hold hands.
Day 43. A combo I've had for a long time; tie is a Rooster. Would be better if the tie were a little darker, but oh well.
Day 44. It may have been only one day after looking in my closet and saying "That's it, no more shirts -- I have absolutely no room in here," that my friend Charles sent me an e-mail saying, "Hey, they're having a clearance sale at Filene's Basement, and I saw a lot of shirts that looked like your sort of thing." So I bought more shirts. I am weak. The tie is one I've had for a while; it's been biding its time.
Day 45. Another shirt from Filene's. It was honestly kind of expensive even on clearance, but it was too gorgeous not to buy. Also, it played on my recent weakness for corduroy.
Day 46. This outfit's been in rotation for a few years. My geekiness is betrayed my the fact that the tie always makes me think of the pins that Peter Davison wore on Doctor Who.
I totally had some of those question mark pins back in my "I Love The Doctor WAY Too Much" phase. I also have a Tardis key (original model) and the double-heart pin.
Posted by: Janice in GA at January 20, 2007 09:36 PMI loved Peter Davidson's Doctor. He was my favorite until David Tennant came along.
Posted by: Erin at January 21, 2007 11:30 AMI really like the tie from day 43. It looks like one of the ties that I sometimes see and think about buying, because I still do wear long ties now and then, but I already have a dozen that I like and I wear each of them maybe once a year. On the good side, I have a dozen more bowties than I had a month ago, so I have that solace.
And I stopped watching partway through the Peter Davison years, in part because our old PBS station stopped showing them, and then I went through the regrettable growing-up period where I was attempting to outgrow my geekery. When I finally started watching the new ones (about a month ago), I seriously felt awkward about not having enough geek cred--I mean, I was like some sort of mundane! Shouldn't I go back and watch the Colin Baker episodes or something?
Okay, I have been trying to stay out of the Doctor Who discussion, and Francis probably can guess how hard that has been for me, but now I'll jump in: the Colin Baker episodes are okay, but I'd recommend Sylvester McCoy's episodes as a better choice if you want to (roughly) pick up where you left off. Ace is an awesome companion, especially in comparison to Peri (eh) and Mel (ugh). Or, if you like, you could go back to the Tom Baker years and rent "City of Death." While you're at it, don't forget to go to the BBC site and read Paul Cornell's excellent book Human Nature so you're familiar with it in time for the Series 3 adaptation with Tennant.
On topic: ties -- as cool as ever. I especially like Days 44 & 45.
Posted by: Debby at January 21, 2007 03:29 PM