September 15, 2006

I tried highbrow once. It didn't sell.

"World's worst tie-in." I feel strangely proud.

Posted by Francis at 11:47 AM

You and David Feige have both been in the Approval Matrix now! How funny!

Posted by: Rose at September 15, 2006 01:18 PM

Well, I bought two copies of your so-called highbrow book, and have never bought a sudoku book of any kind. So, clearly, um, somthin'. Maybe people should follow me around and if I purchase a product immediately sell the company short.


Posted by: Vardibidian at September 15, 2006 01:40 PM

So, geometric sudoku is lowbrow and less despicable than the supposedly highbrow "Suri Cruise's First Poop"?

What is this magazine, and is there some sort of list I can be on that will ensure that I never hear another of its "opinions"?

Posted by: Tablesaw at September 15, 2006 02:34 PM

I agree, Tablesaw. And why is Suri Cruise mentioned *twice* in this layout? The poop was enough.

...nevertheless, I'm strangely proud, too.

...and wondering why there are two pictures of J. Lo on the chart. Why is Steve Irwin carrying her?

Posted by: Lorinne at September 15, 2006 02:53 PM

Congrats, I think.

Also, it's a strange point to be at in life when one's poop is more highbrow than oneself.

Posted by: neural at September 16, 2006 11:29 AM

This is the pinnacle of achievement. You appear in the same box, neither of you belonging there at all, with Jennifer Lopez. You appear, in print, in a publication, in the same super-box as Naguib f***ing Nahfouz. You could die now if you felt like it.

And the "worst tie-in" idiot is an idiot. A snake sudoku puzzle is a challenge for sudoquenti everywhere, and this was an excellent tie in. Lowbrow/doubleplusbrilliant, I say -- because hard puzzles are impressive to begin with (and were they not CREATEd for the occasion of this snakesplane phonomenon?).

Never mind the h8ters -- they couldn't solve a single snake sudoku puzzle, much less creat one -- here's your Heaneyland fans!

Posted by: ruby and super-hot 3-year-old at September 17, 2006 10:49 PM

I have to stop blog-commenting on drugs.

Posted by: rubies on drugs at September 18, 2006 05:20 PM

Getting called despicable by a magazine that just did an article on people who worship Son of Sam actually inverts the insult.

Posted by: Alex at September 28, 2006 01:30 PM

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