Snakes on a Sudoku gets mentioned in the daily edition of Publishers Weekly today. Unfortunately, their daily news clips seem to be utterly un-copyedited. Be on the lookout for the words "soduku" and "diagnolly", the movie title Snake on a Plane (perhaps they're thinking of another, much less exciting movie), and for the remarkable result of my recent sex-change operation.
(Update: As noted in the comments, my gender confusion has been alleviated. You can also scroll down to the bottom of the page for a picture of me and one of my coworkers handing out promotional copies of Snakes in front of the Union Square movie theater.)
Posted by Francis at 12:13 PMOh, that's funny! I didn't even finish reading the article before I came over here to see what you said about it.
It's very, very odd reading about someone you know with the genders switched. I can only imagine how odd it would be to read it about YOURSELF.
Posted by: Erin at August 22, 2006 12:29 PMinvented acronym? Maybe I'm reading incorrectly but SOAP appears to be the actual first letters of the words in the movie title.
Posted by: Charles at August 22, 2006 02:09 PMAw, man, they went and *fixed* it.
...and Charles, I was going to comment about the questionable term "invented acronym". Good show!
It's ridiculous that anything calling itself Publishers Weekly is un-copyedited.
As of 4:50, they fixed your gender, but not the other problems you mention, nor the baffling "so-stupid-its-funny".
Posted by: Lorinne at August 22, 2006 04:54 PMAw, now I feel sorry for that lonely little Snake on a Plane.
Posted by: RichM at August 22, 2006 08:17 PMI thought they were confused enough being the Publisher's Weekly Daily.
Posted by: dave glasser at August 22, 2006 08:29 PMFrancis,
This whole thing is hilarious, and may the royalties continue to roll!
Francis - I always knew you would amount to something! But seriously... You're still the smartest guy I used to know. I haven't seen you since our last performance of 'What the Butler Saw.' Do you live in NYC? Let's meet for a beer or coffee or a slab of soy bacon.
Posted by: Myles at August 27, 2006 11:09 AM