The paperback edition of Crossworld is now out, and it incorporates some changes to things which were -- coincidentally? -- carped about here. Too bad I didn't get around to the rest of the book. Here's a partial list of changes, though:
Page 15: Romano no longer claims that "hip" is a word that has "never to [his] knowledge appeared in the Times puzzle. (The parenthetical remark is simply deleted.)
Page 20: Reference to Paris and Moscow being the "two other cities [besides New York] worldwide that have active and extremely competent puzzling populations" deleted and replaced with more reasons crosswords are suited to life in New York. Tokyo sidetrack also deleted.
Page 21: Reference to pickpockets deleted, replaced with "A good proportion of [subway riders] put the enforced downtime to an arguably better use, and instead do puzzles."
Page 29: Or maybe I can't take credit for the changes to the book, since "day" and "in" are still transposed. Nor are any clarifications made to the sloppy section on word squares.
Page 48: The bit about non-Americans and SUPER BOWL LXXXVI was changed, though I'm not sure it has any effect on his meaning. Before: "Any non-American who happened to solve enough cross-clues to yield the string LXXXVI would tear his hair out wondering what on earth word or phrase could contain it, and soon rip the puzzle to shreds." After: "Any non-American who happened to solve enough cross-clues to yield the string LXXXVI would tear his hair out wondering what sport it refers to -- has there been an eighty-sixth America's Cup yet?"
Page 54: While Romano's crappy description of "checked letters" on page 53 remains, he did, at least, fix the incorrect cryptic reading of Pretty Girl in Crimson Rose.
Anyone spot any other differences?
Posted by Francis at 06:57 PMThis has to be the worst Six Things on record.
Posted by: ruby at August 4, 2006 08:52 PMTell me you didn't pay money for the paperback edition.
Posted by: Orange at August 4, 2006 09:56 PMNo, we got a couple of complimentary copies at Sterling.
Posted by: Francis at August 5, 2006 12:12 PMThe most noticeable difference for me was that the sex scene is longer, more explicit, and much more satisfying. Frankly, I'm surprised you didn't say anything.
Posted by: Nigel at August 6, 2006 02:18 AM