Chile elects a female president, and the main thing I notice when I read the article is this:
Ms. Bachelet was pictured laughing as she received a gift of a charango guitar from Mr Morales on the eve of the inauguration, and the two exchanged compliments.
My thoughts on reading this: "A charango? I want one of those!"
A charango, you see, is an Andean instrument -- similar to a ukulele, but double-stringed like a 12-string guitar -- which is traditionally made out of an armadillo shell. I took a music class in college where we got to play with Andean instruments, and I got to borrow the charango for about a week. Fun.
Unlike the one pictured above, however, the charango I used was a little...furry. Did you know armadillos had hair? I had not previously given the matter any thought. But they do! They grow out between the plates of the shell. (You can sort of see what I mean in this picture, or perhaps the side view here is better.)
Anyway, I suppose I don't need a charango, but it did have a unique sound, and having a hairy little guitar around was sort of like having an alternate version of this.
Posted by Francis at 10:34 AMOk, I'm slightly squicked about the hair. Ewww...
Posted by: Janice in GA at March 12, 2006 01:20 PMThey also are capable of contracting leprosy.
You're welcome.
Posted by: RichM at March 12, 2006 06:32 PMSo this is the new direction Heaneyland is taking, creepy hairy things in every post? The next Six Things cartoon is going to be all covered with bristly fur, I just know it.
Posted by: Orange at March 12, 2006 09:37 PM
Cool. I could play hair guitar.
Great, just what we need, a new onslaught of hair bands.
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