A couple people have sent me a link to this -- and it is pretty funny -- so here you go: The Elements of Spam.
Posted by Francis at 04:38 PMToday I got a message proudly proclaiming "Former President Bill Klinton uses Voagra!"
Joke away.
Posted by: Tyler at February 10, 2006 01:23 AMThe funny thing is that I have a friend who works for an "adult" singles site-- since she's a profile editor, what she does is pretty much literally, um, this.
Posted by: Tisiwoota at February 10, 2006 01:10 PMGoodness gracious!
Your friend, Tisiwoota, has a quite respectable job. Indeed, she probably suffers as much as (if not more than) any other editor. But to compare her to spam? How declasse!
Oh, that personal ads all had such Strunk & White editors. Goodness knows, I take my red pencil to them far too often. And if you're wondering why I'm editing them, well....
Did I admit that? Ahem. Next question.
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