Six things.
This one is really random, even by your standards.
Posted by: Debby at June 23, 2005 10:19 PMThe pirate guy has to tone down his language, I'll bet. If he called the wife a 'scurvy wench', I don't think he'd get the "...-ench" part out before she eviscerated him with a butter knife.
Posted by: Mona Buonanotte at June 23, 2005 11:16 PMWhat about when she calls him a "mug from palookaville"?
Posted by: Scrim at June 23, 2005 11:40 PMit would seem the more appropriate title here would be "why pirates DON'T marry detectives." but because the six things are reasons FOR marriage, i must contemplate the larger commentary on wedded bliss that you've drafted via the eye patch and private eye. hmm, yes, contemplate...
oh wait, i just read the title again and realized it says "when pirates marry detectives," not "why pirates marry detectives." oh. i'm the fool here. well, whatever. i've already written this comment. might as well submit it.
Posted by: jason at June 24, 2005 10:23 AMWas it challenging cartooning work to keep that sword originating from the side and not the front center?
Posted by: Orange at June 24, 2005 03:29 PMOh, it's all way harder than it ought to be.
Posted by: Francis at June 24, 2005 03:33 PMwow powerleveling TRES bien , indulgence beaucoup. Rapide, soigne,
Posted by: wow powerleveling at October 23, 2013 01:30 PM