March 07, 2005

Like, let's imagine that Dakota Fanning was really ill, and all her fans decided they needed to call her father to tell him to please make sure she's getting the best medical care because they weren't sure that he'd considered the idea

I got another phishing e-mail this morning. Well, of course I get one practically every morning, and every afternoon, and so on, but what I mean is that I got another phishing e-mail that is worth mentioning.

This one purported in its subject line to be from Paypal, but I believe most companies do not misspell their own name in the first lines of their e-mails:

It has come to our attention that your Papal account information needs to be updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our website.

I guess it could have been worse. It could have said "Your Papal account is about to expire." Which reminds me of an article I saw last week that had the headline "Catholics worldwide praying for pope". Now, of course, at some point those prayers are not going to work. Every pope so far has died, and I doubt Karol is going to be the exception. But let's assume that the prayers are merely, say, to keep the pope healthy and not to let him suffer unduly or whatever. If I remember my Catholicism correctly, Catholics believe the pope has a direct line to God (or, at least, that God pays attention to everything the pope has to say on matters of religion and morality and prevents him from ever saying anything incorrect on those subjects). So...I mean, man, what's the point in praying for the guy? I think God has really got to be aware of his health situation.

Posted by Francis at 08:33 AM | TrackBack

On the Catholic tip, the doctrine of infallibility (that the Pope has a direct line to and from God in making pronouncements on earthly and theological matters) is no longer considered in effect whenever the Pope speaks; instead, he selects his infallible pronouncements. (I think.)
Here's more on infallibility -- beware -- a bit overwhelming for the non-seminarian:

Posted by: Col at March 7, 2005 10:35 AM

So you mean, like, sometimes he's just making things up, but then sometimes, he's all, "No, really, this one I talked to God about; he's on board with it"?

Posted by: Francis at March 7, 2005 10:58 AM

It's sort of like Tinkerbell. If people all over the world don't really believe in Popes, the Pope will die.

If he dies, that is proof that most people are just faking.

Posted by: charles at March 7, 2005 12:20 PM

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