After leaving the Gates last week but before encountering the mysterious sign, I saw this car, with a very adorable cow-themed paint job (although I fear its ecological message may get lost because of the messenger, what with the popular association between cows and methane production):
At this point the car's owner seemed to run out of things to say about SUVs and gas conservation and moved on to other issues:
Anyway, welcome to New York, fellow blue-stater! Hope you liked the Gates, and, seriously, awesome job finding a parking space next to the Park.
Posted by Francis at 09:18 AM | TrackBackI love this car!
How come most of the posts in the archives don't have comments? Do some of the comments get lost?
Posted by: Eileen at January 13, 2006 07:51 AMThe further back you go, the less likely you are to find comments. My readership has gotten larger and more verbose in my 2+ years of blogging. And if you go even further back, comments are turned off to prevent me from getting even more spam comments than I already do.
Posted by: Francis at January 13, 2006 08:38 AM