Two more, both from Lance, who writes:
[After drawing the first bunny], I realized what inspiration I was missing, so I've also attached [a second drawing], which I copied out of my Holy Tango of Art History; someone with more artistic talent than me could probably do a better job of it. It is, of course, "The Bunny Has Honor, Liege" by Hans Holbein the Younger.
Truly a fine work which could stand next to Christo's "Ostrich" any day.
Bunny Day is turning out be sort of a movable feast. Anyway, where are yours? You may think you're hot, but you ain't shit until you draw some bunnies.
Posted by Francis at 02:10 PM in Bunny Day | TrackBackthis totally sucks
Posted by: bob at September 19, 2006 10:34 PMomg iAM SO SORY MY BROTHER WROTE THISN WHEN I LEFT