New York-based Heaneyland readers may wish to come to one (or both) of two events at which I will be performing this weekend. Tonight is Don Ralph's yearly Blowhole Theater Holiday Marathon at Barbes in Park Slope; it's free (although there may be periodic tip-jar passing) and runs from 6:00 to midnight. Much-beloved semi-local band Life in a Blender will be playing a set starting in the 10:00-10:30 range, and I will be reading some excerpts from my book and playing a couple songs sometime afterward.
On Saturday night, I will be performing as part of Dirty Lenin's holiday show at the Parkside Lounge somewhere along the disputed border between the East Village and the Lower East Side, giving much the same sort of performance as on the previous night, but with a slightly different selection of pieces. That show starts at 11:30 and costs $6. Did I mention that Dirty Lenin has go-go dancers? Six dollars doesn't sound so bad now, does it?
Both of my sets will run about ten minutes, but I will be packing a lot of entertainment in those ten minutes.
Posted by Francis at 10:24 AM | TrackBackCan you do something on Sunday too so I can come?
Posted by: Ken/Cazique at December 17, 2004 12:03 PMWish I could be there to hear you play but Phoenix is a long way from New York. Shoot me an email.
Posted by: Jim Schraven at December 17, 2004 01:13 PMI heard the warmup band for Dirty Lenin is Laundry Marx.
Posted by: Eileen at December 17, 2004 10:40 PM