November 08, 2004

Dream is probably always getting sand in his

There's a Sandman convention coming up next week (which Rose and I would love to attend, but alas, we can spare neither the time nor the funds). This set of seven pairs of Doc Martens, each personalized for one of the members of the Endless, is going to be auctioned off at the con. Totally awesome.

Posted by Francis at 01:45 PM | TrackBack

I really like Death's boots. And Desires. No way could I afford to go up against a bunch of Sandman fans at an auction for them though. Pity.

Posted by: Collin at November 8, 2004 03:16 PM

Dig the faux-barbed wire laces on Despair's pair. Now that's paying attention to detail. (Is this Sandman convention a new thing?)

Posted by: Toonhead! at November 8, 2004 05:14 PM

Yep, it's new this year. A friend of ours is on the organizing committee, actually!

Posted by: Rose at November 8, 2004 08:45 PM

I didn't catch all the shoes, but the ones I got to see (Despair, Destruction, and Dream) went from 200-odd to 550). They looked really fabulous!

Posted by: Iko at November 14, 2004 09:28 AM