October 06, 2004

Can you beat that?

Rose's and my first wedding anniversary was last week, and so, naturally, I bought her a pair of bongos. (Not merely because the first anniversary is the bongo anniversary, but also because she'd been wanting a pair for ages.) And now it turns out that, once again, I am barely one week ahead of the zeitgeist.

Posted by Francis at 04:09 PM | TrackBack

Happy anniversary! And many more.

Posted by: Eric Berlin at October 6, 2004 08:23 PM

Not quite. The game was actually released last week, and I had my bongos in time to bring them over to Cramerica's for post-IAIV play.

Posted by: Tablesaw at October 7, 2004 02:47 AM

Hmmm. Our anniversary was actually 9/27 -- could it be that the game was designed and released *for us*? Coooool!

Posted by: Rose at October 7, 2004 10:45 AM

Congratulations and good on you both!

Bongos are the new theremin, it would seem. This would be a good time to anticipate the new "It" instrument.

Something tells me the guiro has a good chance.

Oh, and Francis, some random person emailed me looking for your email address. I mean, I guess if I looked hard enough I could have found it, but who is this person that I should just be handing out addresses of people who may not even necessarily recall the one or two times we briefly met? It all seemed a bit odd to me.

Posted by: Brian Dermody at October 7, 2004 03:35 PM


You don't know me, but I'm on a quest to track down humorists and you were on my list! I wanted to extend and invitation to you so if you are game, please email me back at bernadette_gaw@paramount.com.

(P.S. How embarrassing that this is being posted on your blog!)

Posted by: Bernie Gaw at October 7, 2004 06:05 PM