July 08, 2004

They Might Be Everywhere

They Might Be Giants' official website has a sweet deal on their new CD -- for an extra $3, you can also get a copy of the new EP (regular price $10) that's being released simultaneously. Shipping is slightly steep ($5), but it seems to be a flat rate, so why not throw in another CD or two while you're there? (The "Working Undercover for the Man" EP is both cheap and hard to find -- a winning combination -- and I know at least one person in the market for a copy of "Severe Tire Damage"...but there are lots of goodies to be had.)

John F. of They Might Be Giants is also the driving force behind an upcoming compilation disc that will benefit MoveOn.org. R.E.M., Fountains of Wayne, David Byrne, and Death Cab for Cutie are among the impressive lineup of people contributing unreleased material. The CD also comes as a freebie with the soon-to-be-published McSweeney's book, "Future Dictionary of America". Sweet.

Posted by Francis at 01:33 PM