What with the new Cure album coming out, perhaps it's time to do a little Goth roundup.
Achewood talks tough to teens about Goths.
Goth jokes. (Sample: "Say, who was that Goth I saw you with last night?" "That was no Goth! I'm a necrophiliac!")
The Hello Kitty Goth clothing shop. (Also, Hello Goth Kitty in 3-D.)
A different type of Goth kitty (and more of the same).
Now that you know the different types of Goths, find out which one you are. (I'm an elitist bastard; no surprises there.)
Or just read the review of the new Cure album at Pitchfork. They give it a surprisingly good review, considering they agree with me that "even its best tracks are starved for a stellar riff".
Posted by Francis at 03:53 PMYou missed Another Random Interlude with Gothbat. Definitely worthy of inclusion with this illustrious group.
Posted by: David. at June 29, 2004 08:28 AMyou suck, i want to kill you.
Infact, i will, i'll rape you, then kill you, then rape you again.
Wow, how goth is that! I bet you typed that comment with little fangs taped to your fingers. I'm guessing you're not one of those "perky goths". A tip of the cow skull to you.
Posted by: Francis at July 16, 2004 05:25 PM