June 12, 2004

Another place to find me

If you're wandering past one of the 10 skillion stores in the world that sell mobile phones, a brief foray inside will probably find you a copy of AT&T's mMode magazine, which features an easy crossword by me, as well as a short humor piece by Martha Keavney and a Harvey Pekar mini-comic. All on the subject of mobile phones. Certainly worth picking up if you like free things.

Posted by Francis at 03:47 AM

What, did the magazine edit itself?

Posted by: dlr at June 14, 2004 02:59 PM

Sorry, I neglected to mention that the reason I have anything at all to do with this magazine is because the estimable Mr. Radosh is the deputy editor. I like the phrase "deputy editor". It makes me imagining him striding through a dusty street as tumbleweeds blow by, walking up to scraggly, drunken authors and asking to see their prose if nobody wants to get hurt.

Posted by: Francis at June 14, 2004 03:06 PM