I'm working on a themed mix CD of songs sung by women or songs about women ("Song for Myla Goldberg" by the Decemberists, e.g.), so I did a web search on "songs about famous people", and this came up. In the style of hymns, each song is titled with its first line. Unlike most hymns I can recall, these titles are frequently cut off in some very awkward places ("O Martin Luther King, Soul-Love Of", for instance -- which, when you take it out of context, kind of sounds like an index entry in some very spacy biography of the Reverend -- or "Immanuel Kant, Immanuel Kant! Your").
Clicking on any of the song titles gets you sheet music with the melody and lyrics (although sometimes he reuses the melody for a previous song, in which case the new lyrics appear below the music). I recommend "One Two Three Bullets Free. One Two", and his ode to cellist Pablo Casals, which notes that Pablo is "charmingly short in earth's body-height".
Sri Chinmoy also seems to be a fan of running, so if there are any names on the list you don't recognize (Don Ritchie? Bill Rodgers?), then they are probably runners.
Posted by Francis at 12:40 PM